Understanding big advances in important medical procedures is a long-term process.
Our cultural media reflects reality back to us, sometimes in distorted ways. If you're trying to understand how medical things are done “as seen on TV,” you're often looking at a 20-year or 30-year gap. For instance, did you know that many dentists don't use mechanical drilling anymore to fill cavities? Here's another excellent example – think about the traditional liposuction procedure. If you're like many of us, it brings to mind images of biohazard bags filled with cut-out bloody fat deposits that had to be surgically removed from someone's belly or other part of the body. What a scene! While in real life, most of this is carefully hidden from view, the TV shows us all the gritty detail. For fans of reality television, though, it's important to know that liposuction is not like this anymore - at least, it doesn’t have to be, because there are new alternative options that are non-invasive. Ultrasonic Cavitation: What Is It? In an ultrasonic cavitation procedure, sonic frequencies help to break down fat deposits and send the broken-down remnants of what used to be fat cells out of the body. This works by medical professionals moving an ultrasonic device over the contours of the skin. There is no cutting, or sucking, at all – and no biohazard bags. With that said, there is really no needed recovery time, either. You just walk in and get it done. This is seen as a relatively safe procedure with few side effects, and it's really helping people take control of their body contours in a new way. Some experts describe it like this – the ultrasonic frequencies, they say, “shake” the fat cells until they erupt, and then the residual compounds are sent out of the body through the lymph and urine systems. That's a lot better than a surgeon cutting on you to trim down fat areas on your body. At Umblemished, we have a range of these non-invasive, precision and cutting-edge treatments available, in a warm and welcoming environment, with caring and knowledgeable staff. Come on in and check out what we offer, and get consultation from individuals with expertise in these new ways to slim the body. We have our price lists right on the site, and a lot of other resources to get you started thinking about what’s possible with our cosmetic and wellness services. Re-imagine you! Comments are closed.